Long December

I hope you enjoyed the solstice yesterday. If you didn’t do anything special, oh well. I take any excuse to party. And if by party you mean do chores.

Have fun during the holidays. See family, do stuff. Wear silly clothing you can’t normally wear. I’m not going outside until it warms beyond -11°F (-24°C). Ah Minnesota. The only state where you can’t say “Oh shit it’s cold” because to open your mouth and talk would be to waste precious body heat.

Luckily, internet and video games are generally indoor activities anyways.

I beat Mirror’s Edge. I love that game. I pity the people who rag on it. They’re missing out on one of those classy and innovative titles they generally laud for.


  1. Wulf

    At least it’s warmed up a bit now, eh? Only now we have to deal with streets + driveways made of melted and frozen snow.

  2. Adrian

    Wuss. It’s 25 degrees out there.

  3. Renee

    Here in Wisconsin, we get the Canadian air more often than the Minnesotans do. That silly jet stream above us can never make up its mind. I mean, we’ve had two thaws this winter, and I’m still looking at six feet of snow (no joke) sitting outside my window, under a sheet of ice.

    The northern states just rock, neh?

  4. Adam V

    Lemmo, just wanted to drop you a line wishing you a happy birthday. You know, your 30th. It’s not the end of the world, just the end of the good part of your life! Uh, kidding. I hope.

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