Officially an Adult?

Thanks all of you for your birthday well wishes. They trickled in from all over the internet, it helped me through the day. Between turning 30 and becoming a dad, I wonder if childish shams like being a cartoonist are worth pursuing. The answer, of course, is an unequivocal yes. I laughed a number of times just drawing the latest strip, I couldn’t fathom abandoning this medium for the world. Here’s to hoping our updates don’t get rocky when the Little Lembina comes into the world. Aric and I are trying to sandbag against that inevitability, but… we’re so lazy!

I put off making any sort of post because I didn’t want to bump the wallpaper I did off the blog, but Aric was swift enough to move it into the blah blah section. So if you didn’t grab it, you still can. I’m working on another wallpaper, but it weirded out Aric enough I might redesign it before I release it. I’m not out to traumatize my cohort. Not intentionally.


  1. Arantor

    I’ve been officially an adult (in this country at least) for a number of years and I haven’t growed up yet.

    I can imagine being a cartoonist is rewarding; just think of all the people that tune in every Monday and Thursday and cackle with delight and glee at the latest adventures of the awesome twosome. A little of that rubs off on me, I think…

  2. Wulf

    Congrats on the birthday and the fatherhood thing, lem!

  3. camerbob

    You say that being a cartoonist is childish, but it’s not. It’s like making toys. Children (and teenagers) like toys, but they can’t make them by themselves. Also, toys (and cartoons) stimulate imagination and curiosity. Your comic is funny, stimulating and deep. It makes everyone wonder about what everyone thinks about. It goes way back in the question “What if…?” and shows how the human mind creates and perceives the universe with a dash of humor at the end.

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