The Jibba and the Jabba

The comic is changing in some noticeable ways. One of which is that I post the comic before I go to bed, and when I wake up, there’s a pile of ridiculous commentary that wakes me up better than any cup of sugar-laden coffee. The second is that we’re starting get reviews and interviews from folks, so Aric went ahead and made a Reviews page to let you all in on them. The positive ones, at least. We’re allowed to be picky like that, right?

The Forums have dropped to an uncharacteristic whisper, however, and I think it’s because there’s not a whole lot of fresh blood coming through the doors. Unlike some forums, ours is a great way to chat directly with us about the strip or anything else. Aric tends to lurk, but I’m usually pretty quick to hit back. Plus, some of our forum regulars are pretty well versed in the blankverse (blankiverse?), and everyone knows Aric likes wingbat conspiracy speculation on the goings-on in the strip. So, make your predictions, we’re often surprised how right you guys can be.

In the super-secret-future department, I just got to check out a Blank It feature that’s waiting in the wings, we’ll call it Codename: Brikabrak. I’m very impressed, I can’t wait to unveil it. Ooooh mystery!


  1. abitdark


    *puts gun in mouth*

  2. Arantor

    The reason why the comic forum is as quiet as it is, is mostly because it’s ComicPress-powered, we tend to comment in the strip itself, not in the forum.

    All the real fun seems to be here, not onle with the random comments but even – in my case – a song parody that I hacked to fit.

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