Another Lemmo Comic

So, Blank It is decidedly not a gamer comic. Or a comic about games. Unless that game is “stand around in an empty void and complain”. Which I think some games closely resemble. But it’s no secret that Aric and I are gamers. Well, I’ve done my fair share of gamer comics in the past, and now I’m back at it again.

If you like my art and hokey jokes about massively multiplayer online video games, go ahead and check out my new strip called Grinders, over at It’ll be updating weekly, every Friday. The first comic can be found here.


  1. amuletts

    No matter how much you say it’s not a gamer comic everyone will still say it is. Once you get that gamer label it doesn’t come unstuck.
    Really great comic btw.

  2. patti

    hey will grinders have its own site? its kind of hard to bookmark the comic if it has no permanent site to link to….massively is a news style site…doesn’t work as well.

  3. lemmo

    Not yet, but once there are enough of them up on the site, it will have its own gallery. That will have a link, and I will post it once it exists.

  4. Renee87

    Personally, I haven’t seen it as a gamer comic. I’m not much of a gamer, since I only have a few addictions and stick to them. The Diablo games are the bane of my academic studies…

    In general, when someone asks me what this comic is about (after I’ve asked them if they’ve read it at all), I tell them that I’ve been following it from the beginning, and I tell them, “It’s really about Nothing,” and proceed to explain how a comic can possibly be about Nothing. I’ve thereby recruited several faithful readers. ^_^

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