Blank It Anniversary!

So, skipping past the ‘I can’t believe it’s already been a year’ sentiments, Aric and I are proud to say that Blank It survived its first year with no missed updates, a convention appearance, and some various other fun events. One good turn deserves another!

Aric and I are going to have a Blank It Anniversary/100th Comic Meet and Greet one month from today on Thursday, May 21st, at the Minneapolis Uptown Tea Garden from 7 to 9pm. If you live in the area, swing by and say hey. I’m drawing an exclusive pin-up for the meet-up, and we’ll be giving them out for free.

I better stop before I make some more outlandish promises. Anyway, chat about it on the forum in this thread.


  1. speearr


  2. macksting

    Very keen. If you manage to have any sort of meet and greet on the West Coast, give me a buzz. Meanwhile I’ll just mope.
    I jest. Y’all have fun, okay?

  3. Lauren

    haha, congrats! pity I live in Ohio, or I certainly would swing by. who’s the pinup of? Aric? hehehehehehehee :D

  4. Chados

    Very cool! Wonder if I can get out there.

  5. Karlito el homre de Canada

    A year! Awesome and how weird that it went so fast.

    I love your strip, your story, your characters, keep it up. I can’t get enough.

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