One week until HISTORY!

We’ll be having our Blank It one year anniversary meet up at the Uptown Tea Garden in Minneapolis, A week from today (Thursday the 21st) at 7pm. If you’re in the area, stop on by. Aric and I will even have some color pin-ups on hand, and I’ll do sketches and all that jazz. If you have any questions about the meetup, you can always email me at [email protected], or just check the forum thread.

It’s a little too early to get gushy, but I do wanna thank you all for making this show as fun as it is. Here’s to some more good times.


  1. Megan

    OMG! You’re in minneapolis?! I get to meet you!!! (if I can steal away from work.. =/ )

  2. Diana

    Great job with the comic. It’s honestly one of my favorites. Hilarious and unique. I do wish I lived there so I could give you kudos in person, but oh well. Congrats on keeping up with updates for a year! :)

  3. macksting

    I hear ya, Diana. I live at least a thousand miles away.

  4. Vaarel

    Man I wish I was near minneapollis, a tea garden would be so much fun given my love of all things loose-leaf tea. But the 12 hour drive to hang out might be a bit rough. Here’s to a year and at least another. Loved it since day one and it just keeps growing, hmm there’s a thought, plants.

  5. Arantor

    Well, I’m on the wrong darn continent, which sucks.

    Congrats on the 1 year, guys! (I’ll add this new strip to WordOwl momentarily)

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