Blank It for the iPhone

So, I wrote an article for this week, talking about webcomics on mobile devices. That may or may not interest you. But if you read it and were paying attention, you’d notice there’s a screenshot of the Blank It iPhone app. So, I’ll say it now. Yes, there’s an iPhone app, it’s just been sitting in the approval process for a week and a half. I’ll probably update this post when it goes live, and give a link to the app store for it. Yeah, it’ll be free. We love giving you guys stuff for free.


  1. Megan

    Great article. I think that the comics you choose to include may even generate more interest in your comic ;D You wrote the article pretty well. If possible, I’d recommend ammending it to add useful links – to here, to the WebOS site, iPhone site etc.

  2. Lemmo

    Brad Guigar has some rules about self-promotion in articles, so I decided to keep it as link free as possible. It was an active decision.

  3. Larz

    Very cool, I found your site via the article. Nice work and I will add you to my short list. Curious, is the iPhone App built using WebOS or Objective C ?

  4. Lemmo

    Hi Larz! I had to ask our developer, he says it’s written in Objective C.

  5. Puppetx

    It has dropped!

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