iPhone App v1.1 released!

So, we got plenty of positive feedback from the Blank It iPhone App, but we also received some pretty good requests, so Pete was quick to push out another update. Now the Blank It app has these features:

Landscape view with pinch zooming
A prompt to check for new comics or not (loads faster if you don’t)
A more intuitive archive picker

Hop on over to the iTunes Store and grab it. Remember, it’s still free.


  1. macksting

    Are they giving out free iPhones with it? I could really use one of those to use this program. :)

  2. G1NotApple

    Android! please for the love of god be better than every other webcomic/internet music player/website without good mobile function and port something out for us open source addicts. Please?

  3. Lemmo

    It means bribing an Android developer, but we’ll consider the options!

  4. Cathbad

    do you know of phonegap? An api for iPhone/android/BlackBerry app developpement?
    Opensource, Javascript/html bases.
    On the process of testing it for our own webcomics.


    dunno,might help.

  5. lemmo

    It sounds like web-app development, which means you need to run the application through an Opera browser window. This would mean getting rid of the ‘offline browsing’ feature of the Blank It app, and cause longer load times. I don’t think we’ll be doing that.

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