Celebrate with me!

Normally I do not participate in birthday revelry. However, it is the start of the half of the year where I am numerically older than Aric, and therefore his sage elder and superior. So thus begins the season where my horse pulls ahead by a nose.

I did a funny thing over the holidays, and it probably belongs on the Facebook page, but I’ll show it here too. I entered the Cookie King into a gingerbread contest and pulled in a tie for 2nd place (beat out by Bart Simpson). Either people recognized him, or were totally confused. It was fantastic.


  1. Zai Lynch

    Congratz!! Hope you’re having a neat party :)

  2. Daniel

    Best. Cookie. Ever.

    Happy birthday!!

  3. Midoriko


  4. Midoriko

    Also, happy birthday! I thought I wrote that already. Maybe I’m just crazy.

  5. Renee

    There’s this 5 month period where my sibling-type rival and I are the same numerical age. He and I get along fairly well now, but we didn’t care for each other when we were kids.

  6. speearr

    Happy Birthday…

  7. Megan

    Does this mean you’re having another get-together?? Bubble tea, for you, paid for by me!

    lol I was going to say “bubble tea on me” but that put an odd mental image in my head….


    Happy (belated) Birthday!! *tosses confetti*

    The Gingerbread King is quite amazing, though the plate looks like it says “LEM Age 361″ Hahaha. Congrats again!~

  9. spinn

    Hey, a little “blankit” ad is in PW’s last sample image for their new bid page:


    Not really something that will directly convert to traffic, but still neat anyway.

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