Color Me Blank It!

Well, I finally did it. I tried and failed to get an update completed. Between household priorities and parenting, and looking at the clock knowing I have a workout and a full day at my real money-making job, I’m tapping out.

I’ll color the comic tonight. Or, you can color it NOW! Yeah, boyee. If you want, you can color the strip from either a PNG or Photoshop PSD, and email it to us using the email link up there on the menu. If I get a genuinely good submission, I’ll just put that one in place forever, and concede my own mediocre coloring skills.

What do you think. Think you can color? Don’t use crayons on your new monitor, now.


  1. Zai Lynch

    File not found o.O (Not that I could color, anyway…)

  2. Renee

    I’ve been learning to use Gimp, but that most certainly doesn’t make me an expert. ^_^;

  3. lemmo

    Sorry! I typoed the filenames. The links should work now. Color away!

    I should specify, I don’t care how you color it. If you color it, I will treasure it always.

  4. inusushi

    I might just take you up on your offer. Although my coloring skills aren’t that great, either.

  5. lemmo

    Blasphemy. I’ve seen your colors, they put mine to shame.

  6. EM

    Dang, im already distracted enough from my own projects, and now this :)

  7. Megan

    I shall paint it and take a photo. Maybe. lol

  8. Renee

    Yay! Tis colored! It’s kinda like receiving an extra comic, this week. :D

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