The Plea Returns

It came up over dinner again tonight. My lovely wife and I are having another baby, which is great news. The not-so-great news is we have no idea how to afford this new pumpkin. A stressful, serious matter.

Now, despite our rock n’ roll demeanors, Aric and I are not sleeping on piles of money, certainly not from Blank It. Some family, friends and the most devoted of our fans have purchased some shirts and artwork, but on the whole, we don’t push a whole lot of merch. It’s the sad reality of having a labor of love.

Well, if I can’t find a way to spend the part-time-job level of devotion I give Blank It into some form of baby-feeding fuel, it means I might need to seriously consider dropping the project sometime in the predictable future to get a side job loading boxes into a truck or something. It’s not a threat. It’s a sad potential possibility.

Anyways, there’s a way I can kinda stave off my wife’s concerns, and that’s by showing her that Blank It has a viable and invested future. You might not believe it, but when you buy our shirts, I see your name and I think to myself “This person is a real stand up lady-slash-gentleman who cares”. So if you’re the kind of person who’s always been on the fence about putting some of your own hard earned money towards our fine merchandise, get some! Or if you’re just feeling generous, we have a donation bin also.

We’re not NPR and this is not a pledge drive. It’s a comic strip that you read, that I would really like to afford to continue to draw. You guys rule.


  1. E_is_for_Eric

    I am one of those people that’s always been on the fence. Mainly because I have my own financial issues, but because I do enjoy reading the comic (and look forward to each new installment) – I want to be able to support you.

    The question I have is, do you get more benefit from selling merchandise, or from direct donations?

  2. lemmo

    At this point, the shirts are here in my possession, and they’re worthless to me if they aren’t in the hands of the fans who will wear them. So monetarily? Either way works the same. The shirts are printed and paid for. They just need good homes. Same with the original artwork.

  3. E_is_for_Eric

    Shirt purchased. Good luck!!

  4. Jackson

    I’m pullin’ for you guys. I may not have a whole lot of cash to spend on webcomic merch, but hopefully some of the dudes I send your way via links will be into your goods and make some purchases. :) Help out how you can, y’all.


    I’m hopin’ to be able to pick up a shirt from you guys in a couple of weeks (after I move).

    That being said, as a potential future endeavour, I think that some type of Merch with the Parasox would sell quite well given the mass amounts of adoring, and speculative commentary on the various panels that they appear in.

  6. Renee

    My shirt should be arriving shortly, here. I’ll notify my minions of this new development and badger them about purchasing merchandise. If they give me some sob story about not having money, I’ll harangue them every time they order a cup of coffee.

  7. Lemmo

    Shortly… if I SHIP IT! Hahaha! I’m sorry. I’ll get right on that.

    Thank you everyone for showing our comic so much love and support. I know this was a whiny post, but we just pulled in more revenue these couple days than we have the last half year. So, something worked. Thanks.

  8. NoriMori

    Having another baby?? That’s awesome!!!

    I’m one of those people that if I had a huge crapload of money, I would send a sizeable amount to you… But I don’t. :(

    “I know this was a whiny post, but we just pulled in more revenue these couple days than we have the last half year. So, something worked. Thanks.”

    That’s amazing!! See, it just goes to show you how much your fans love you! And your baby! And…um…this comic! ^^

  9. ThePuck1

    Congrats on another child Soup! And that is amazing with the donations. I have some experience in being less than flush with cash, but then again I have never drawn comics for a living (or tried too.)

    Good luck, have fun, everything will work itself out. How do I know? I don’t, its a mystery.

  10. Chados

    I’m broke a lot myself, but I will do what I can!

  11. KM

    Last week I e-mailed about buying a print. So far no one’s replied. You may want to check your [email protected] mail box, cause that’s where I sent my request per the Google docs spreadsheet. Maybe others have done the same…

  12. KM

    I should clarify.

    When I said “buying a print” I meant the original artwork. :)

  13. lemmo

    KM! We have your order, you’re set to go. I’ll send you more info by email, and it’ll ship out this Saturday.

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