New Wallpaper!

I said in the comments that if people figured out what was powering the cookie kingdom robot, I’d draw a wallpaper. Well, joke’s on you, I was gonna do it anyways! Hey, here it is.



  1. E_is_for_Eric


  2. Lipkin

    It’s actually kinda of terrifying. Is this a sign of things to come?

  3. Lemmo

    Don’t take it as canon, c’mon. I just wanted to draw a purdy pitcher.

  4. NoriMori

    Cool! I like! But, um…how come all your wallpapers are are tall and thin? Shouldn’t they be short and wide? You know…to fit a computer screen?

  5. NoriMori

    OHHHH nevermind, I get it! I didn’t know that the sides of the picture are cropped off until you view it directly… Nevermind, my bad!! ^^

  6. E_is_for_Eric

    I think it’s awesome!

  7. Groxx

    … I swear, someone just started playing Ride of the Valkyries.

    In my head. But that doesn’t make it not real!

  8. ThisIsNotDan

    Awesome picture! I can’t help but wonder if this means the bugs will play a role in future strips, even though I know this isn’t supposed to be canon.

    After all, if it were canon, Aric wouldn’t be wearing pants!

  9. Steve

    Just found your site. Really like this artwork.

  10. maglorius

    Aric has an exoskeleton leg/sword. And now Lemmo has a golden shovel as a weapon. These boy’s are armed and dangerous!

  11. adrian

    Me like!

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