
So, it looks like my laptop is on the blink, which means no comic tonight (See update below). I’m going to see about getting it repaired tomorrow, or at least recovering the data off the hard drive so I can get back up and running on my desktop system.

I’m pretty sure it’s the GPU or the motherboard. But it’s not a hard drive crash, so let’s hope the Blank It comic and unprinted book are slumbering safely on the drive until I can get at them again.

You know I hate missing an update. I’m going to have something up tomorrow, even if it’s just the comic in a goofy, non-complete form.

Update: Because I love you guys and hate admitting defeat, I installed Photoshop and my tablet drivers onto my desktop (which was a herculean feat if you knew the details), recovered my comic templates thanks to the wonders of Dropbox, installed my fonts and junk, and voila! You don’t miss out on a comic tonight. Now I’m exhausted. See you guys later this week.


  1. E_is_for_Eric

    blah. Here’s hoping you get everything under control soon without too much trouble.


    That always sucks. Thanks for the information update. Hope it all goes well, and that you data’s nice and safe.

  3. Shaelyn

    we love you and your hatred of admitting defeat.

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