Welcome, old and new!

If you’re coming to the website after having seen us at MIX, welcome! And what a show that was. I think MIX is our new “home base” expo/convention. If y’all ever want to come see us, the Indie XPO is probably the best venue for it. It’s free to attend, and there’s plenty of talented artists to fill the place.

If you want to start from the beginning, I suggest going here.

If you preordered the book or had outstanding merchandise orders, they shipped out this week so you should hopefully get them soon. We’d love to hear your comments on the book! Aric and I are inventorying the book supply, and it’s not much, but we’ll have the rest of the books on the store by the end of the week. Thanks for your support!


  1. Ryan

    Yeah BOOKS!

  2. Chados

    I love the book! It’s almost like a comic book/graphic novel this way. The only thing it’s missing is those cliffhanger moments where you can’t wait until Monday or Thursday. :)

  3. JeffreyRIOT

    Great job on the book guys

  4. Renee

    We should be able to afford a copy or two the next time the books are available. My husband managed to snag one of those elusive job-thingers.

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