Always With The Updates!

Very shortly, Aric should have the Blank It Store updated with the Volume 1 books available for purchase. Whatever’s up there is the last of the first run printing, when they’re gone, they’re gone. Oh, and we took the liberty of signing them. Because people love their possessions scribbled on, I’m sure.

We are very satisfied with how the book turned out, so we may print more. But they’ll probably be a little modified. This first run will be distinguishable. Collectors items, even.

And hey! While I’m inflating the value of our stuff, Aric and I were so satisfied with the last strip, that we’ve decided to put the art up for auction! It’ll run until the end of the week. I do hope it finds a good home, this is one we’re proud of. Happy bidding!


  1. Glo

    The volume 1 books are completely awesome! I feel imbued with a sense of another, kick-ass plane of existence just being near it. If anyone’s on the edge about buying it… just saying… totally buy it. DOITDOITDOITDOIT! Won’t regret it. 100% regret-free. You’ll love it. You’ll rest your cheek against the cover and softly whisper your dreams to our favorite adventurers, Lemmo and Aric… and maybe, just maybe… someone will walk in on you and say “Dang, you crazy!”

    I hope you guys sell a bazillion of them! Or a quantity that exists, even, that is astoundingly large!

  2. Renee

    Order placed. I’m glad there were still a few left over. :)

  3. Shinji16

    *dashes to the store* Oh thank goodness they’re still there…

    I was sick for a few months, and came back to site and found I’d missed the pre-order, and I was really upset. I am so glad that some were indeed leftover.

    Also, thanks for doing such a great comic. I’m not an artist, I pretend I can write, and I just want to say thanks for putting a lot of time and effort into something awesome and basically putting it up for free on the ‘net to share with us. Again, thank you.

  4. JeffreyRIOT

    I just want it to be known, I ordered a book but gave money to a friend and had him order it for me. So the book is addressed to him due to my lack of a card. So i just want you guys to know it was my money sent to you and I’m trying my hardest to spread the word about you guys here in Elk City, Oklahoma.

  5. Ryan

    Aric and Lemmo!!
    Enjoy this comment!
    It has thanks in it!

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