Northwind is online!

Those of you who stopped by our MIX booth might have met Molly (A.K.A Mollu), and seen her book War of the Webcomics. If you didn’t, because you’re a denizen of the internet I suspect, then now’s your chance to see her (well, our) new project: Northwind.

Northwind is actually a comic we thought up before Aric and I started doing Blank It, and never had the time to put it all together. Well, now it’s live, and updating every Tuesday. It’s written by me and drawn by Mollu, which is a fun role reversal in my case. You won’t see much of me over there, though, I want Mollu to enjoy her creative experience as much as possible without my troublesome meddling.

The first page is up today, but her War of the Webcomics story is already in the archives. Go check it out!

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  1. them1me1you

    Minnesota FTW

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