Mine as in For ME

You guys are lucky you even get comics anymore, now that Aric and I are into Minecraft like the rest of the trendy gamer internet. But hey, it’s no secret I love indie games, and Notch has knocked this immersive sandbox out of the park. Anyways, I don’t need to tell you how good it is. What I do need to tell you is, of course I made Lemmo and Aric avatars. Here. You can have ‘em.

Now go and pretend you’re whichever of your favorite protagonists, stuck all alone in a strange and danger-filled universe. It’s like roleplaying, pretty much.


  1. Jethro Rayne

    Haha, I’m so stuck in that as well. :) It is very fun, and recommended to anyone. And I know how lucky we are to get comics now. ;)

  2. Timeline

    I love this game, do you guys have a server you play on specifically where I might be able to join you?

  3. Lemmo

    I’m kinda actively avoiding online play until Survival Multiplayer is finished (since I don’t care about creative mode, I’d rather just play Blockland). But once that’s flying, I plan to set up a private server with my friends, and build it out like Middle Earth like the total nerd I am.

    Hey, anyone wanna see my treefort? Let’s start a thread in the forums.

  4. Groxx

    That’s awesome :D Nice work on the skins! Using the Aric one right now: http://www.minecraft.net/skin/skin.jsp?user=Groxx (if anyone wants to see what it looks like on a body)

    /me goes back to punching cows

  5. marca311

    This is what it looks like as Lemmo!


    (Awesome game btw)

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