Happy Turkey Day!

The comic is running late, so like, go eat some turkey or something. I’ll get this all caught up at some point, here.

Update: Due to the holiday, I just passed on updating for Thursday, and you get the next comic on time for today. I was able to spend the thanksgiving weekend with my family, and get some good heartfelt moments to keep.

I have plenty I’m thankful for, one of which is having such awesome fans. Thanks for allowing me an unscheduled reprieve, and for coming back all the same. You guys rock.


  1. Canada

    Hey! It’s 5:09! Where’s my comic?

    Haha, I kid, I kid. Happy Thanksgiving, you silly Americans.

  2. Chaos Theory

    I did eat some turkey. It was quite yummy.

  3. Renee

    I don’t like turkey. I like goose, though. :)

  4. Defier of Physics

    Turkey is delicious. as is stuffing. and pie. Oh how I missed home-cooking from people who know what they’re doing!

  5. abramdemski

    Do we finally get to find out what is up with this new storyline? :)

    Or, wait, that bug is usually unhelpful so may not be willing to provide exposition…

  6. NoriMori

    I’m vegetarian so no turkey for me, and in any case Canadian thanksgiving was last month. ;) But I’m glad you had a nice Thanksgiving over there. :)

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