Pulling into the station

Happy New Years guys! We’re bringing the hiatus to a close. I don’t yet have a comic for you, but we’ll get rolling very shortly. Thanks for letting us have a little rejuvenation time, I hope all of you who ordered books and shirts around the holidays received them in a timely fashion.

Just a reminder, check out Northwind and The Mustache Rangers if you’re still bored and antsy. It won’t be much longer, I promise.


  1. macksting

    Well… I’m still here.

  2. cheetaboy7

    Cant wait for you to get started again!

  3. E_is_for_Eric

    I concur.

  4. Ash3ton

    Yea you guys are back the void in the universe has being filled hope you two fell rejuvenated

  5. Nexall

    Yay new comic even sooner, well I for one am awaiting avidly for the comeback of blankness.

  6. Me duce

    As much as I love those foxes being a teamwork and a basketball hoop, life just isn’t as filled up without my Tuesdays and Thursdays having a webcomic to check up on. ^_^

  7. Chaos Theory

    Yay! New BlankIt! I read a lot of webcomics, but this is definitely one of my favorites. Keep up the good work guys!

  8. macksting

    I proved with Winter my nearly interminable patience. I can wait for this.

  9. Mell

    Thank you so much Lemmo and Aric :)
    This comic has been a wonderful distraction during my work weeks and whenever I have a chance I try to spread the word about it (explaining the plot always takes a couple minutes but it works out :) ). Again, thanks and I can’t wait for the newest installments.

  10. Mell

    Sidenote: if either of you happen to find yourselves in a bookstore, the author Christopher Moore has a great sense of humor and timing that I think both of you would appreciate :)
    he has a wide selection of stories but go with Practical Demonkeeping or A Dirty Job first.

  11. Defier of Physics

    Happy New Year! I’m glad you enjoyed your hiatus and I can’t wait to read what you have in store for our hapless heroes next!

  12. Renee

    I hope you’ve been having a wonderful hiatus. :)

  13. Sunshinyblondie

    Hurrrrrrry Uuuuuuuuup! I love the whole premise of this cartoon!

  14. mrspolarbear

    Meh. Losing patience. Hoping one of you has a new baby or other very good excuse for keeping loyal fans waiting. :p

  15. E_is_for_Eric

    I’ve been reading the comic for more than a year now and have even purchased a couple of items from the store. These guys deserved this hiatus and if they need a little extra time to get things up and running then you damn well better believe that I’ll support them no matter how long they need. No need to get impatient with them. When they come back they’ll deliver.

  16. lemmo

    The comic is in the hopper for Thursday. Thanks for waiting, guys.

  17. Sunshinyblondie

    Yayyyyyy!!!!! XD

  18. Mell

    Haaaaazzzzaaaaaaaaa!!!! :D

  19. macksting

    Pics or it didn’t happen. *razz*


    Tomorrow can’t come soon enough!!!!!

  21. mattb

    more blankit, that’s punch you in the face good!

  22. Me duce

    Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease reward us with the gift o webcomic magic soon! I’m almost out of other webcomics to fill the void with. ^_^;

  23. LazyReader

    Annoying fuzzy yapping rats. Anyway I know you control the advertisments on the front page. What what the comic advertised on the top right. I think it was sombulus or sombolus webcomic or something. Please reply.

  24. LazyReader

    typo sorry. What was………..

  25. jack

    Agh! Although i know it won’t come at midnight tonight, I’m staying up just to see ThursdayUpdateDay come! I will be checking back every ten minutes! I cannot WAIT for new blankit! =D

  26. LazyReader

    Please Please Please. Does anyone else know? I was going to put it on a link but forgot. Sombulus……solbomus……….??????? if anyone knows please tell me.

  27. NoriMori

    Woot! Yes, you’re finally back! My Google feed just informed me of your fresh comic! I think I can speak for all of us when I say HAPPY FREAKING NEW YEAR AND CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST STRIP OF 2011!!! If anyone’s worth the wait it’s you guys! I’ve been reading Northwind in the meantime (although I was still a bit antsy cuz it’s only updated weekly), it’s been getting pretty interesting! *I LOVE TIEL HE’S SO CUTE! XD*

    Anyway, glad to see you back, hope your hiatus from the comic helped you be productive in other areas, hope you and your families are well, and can’t wait for more comics! Happy new year!

  28. mrspolarbear

    Hooray! Welcome back! PS, E_Is_For_Eric, I wasn’t reeeally that impatient. Sheesh. I’m actually impressed they came back in January if one of them has a new baby!

  29. Tomixcomics

    Haha! Wow! I love the ad for Ginger’s bread about the foxes. That is sucha cute banner idea.

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