The Passing of a Titan

If you’ve looked more than three pages into Blank It: Volume 1, you’d know that I’m very proud of my grandpa and namesake. He’s Big Lem. I was Little Lem.

This past weekend I flew down to Tennessee and saw him one last time, in the hospital after another heart surgery. I got a call just last night that he had passed. I’m so glad I took a chance flight and got to see him in his final days. Blank It helped pay for my tickets, so I owe you all a debt of gratitude.

I’ll be changing his dedication in the book to a posthumous memoriam from here out. We only have 8 copies of the current book left, so if you want an “old school” copy, best to get it now. Not that I’m looking to profit on this, I just know that he was proud of this comic. The picture in the book of Big Lem wearing the “Lemmo” hat was from when I wore it the last time I visited him; he liked it so much he kept it. I think the picture will stay in the book.

Anyways, thanks for sharing a moment with me, everyone. I’m gonna miss you, Big Pa.


  1. Happy

    RIP to your grandfather; I’m sure he was an amazing person. It’s fantastic you were able to say goodbye. :) Be strong, and from here on out I’ll be reading the comic in his memory.

  2. NoriMori

    Oh, what a shame. I think it’s wonderful that you had such a good relationship with your grandfather, and that you were both proud of each other. I’m so sorry for your loss and I offer my condolences. Reading this post made me sad, because, well, it’s sad when you lose someone so close to you! It’s so awesome that he was an important guy in your life, which makes it that much sadder that he’s gone. And yet so much awesomer that you guys were so close. It’s heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. T_T

    On a more irreverent note, the fact that there are only 8 copies left of the “old school” version makes me really, really, REALLY wish I was not so clingy with my money. I’m having a very intense inner struggle here. I am a third-generation (at least) pack-rat, I go nuts over these kinds of things. Should I buy it or shouldn’t I? @_@ Somebody give me a sign!

  3. Canada


    Back on topic: I’m so sorry for your loss. ;_;

    At least you got to say goodbye, which many people can’t…



    He had a very good reason to be proud, and I’m certain that he would appreciate the dedication. I hope that you’re coping alright, and thanks again for putting in all the effort to bring us BlankIt.


  5. lemmo

    He read the book, he owned a copy. I already know he was happy to be dedicated in the book.

  6. CSjostrand

    Sorry about your loss, man. Like it’s been said, you’re very lucky to have gotten a chance to say goodbye. Big Lem was right to be proud of your work.

    Farewell Lemuel “Big Lem” Beach!

  7. Renee

    My sincerest condolences. I’m glad we could help.

  8. Idava

    We can all tell you how much you meant to him but, you already know. He was so proud of you. Seeing you grow up and becoming a wonderful husband and father that just meant the world to him. Little Bossany just made him light up when you and Farron came down here. I don’t think he would have taken a million dollars to trade that time on the houseboat. He still spoke about that. Laughing about you and Sean going down the slide as well as jumping off the TOP!! We were all so very lucky to have him in our lives. We hope you can and the family can come down this summer or fall. Love and miss you, Sean, Idava, Rosa, and Seanna

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