
Today is my 3rd Anniversary with my wife, so we exchanged our favorite gifts. I got her tons of books, she got me tons of coffee. But I also got another gift I wanted to share with you: some fan art from Aja!


  1. NoriMori

    This is sexy-awesome! And happy anniversary!

  2. Dana

    ohmygosh Happy Anniversary! and this is spectacular =D

  3. Ryan

    Where did Aric’s neuroses go?! ;¬)

    Nice art, and ‘grats.

  4. Renee

    Congratulations! And that’s a nice bit of fan art. It really catches the characters’ personalities. :)

  5. GUYPERSON!!!!!

    Congrats!!!!! I love the comic. once again, Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Aja

    Hey, I’m glad the present came at a good time. :) Happy anniversary, and here’s wishing you many more!

  7. Brady Kj

    I didn’t know you knew Aja!

  8. LazyReader

    Camping around in your underwear, that’s all ya need in life. Pant’s and socks are for suckers.

  9. the vosh

    Sooo….. Whats going on? why has it been so long?

  10. Krash

    …So… anybody around?

  11. Riverfox237

    Aja’s fanart was how I found out about your comic. =D Now I can’t wait to read more! Will you be updating again soon? This comic cracks me up, I love the utter (yet strangely well-plotted randomness). Brilliant, my friend. Truly brilliant.

  12. Darknight53

    Congrats on your anniversary!

    Btw – noticed your Blank It app in the apple app store is gone… (I’m running the latest OS… Not sure if that has something to do with it).

    Did you guys remove it???

  13. macksting

    I’m starting to worry Blank It is Wintering. I recommend just monitoring a relevant RSS feed and waiting it out, though. We should, in time, see more.
    How much more is a question best left to time.

  14. NoriMori

    I am getting VERY worried. It’s like they disappeared off the face of the Earth.

  15. macksting

    Houston, we have an update.

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