Entering another year

I want to thank everyone who came out to our little shindig. I have a gallery I’d like to put up, but it’s incomplete and we didn’t like how WordPress shoehorned it into the menu like it was something important. So once these technical hitches are resolved, we’ll share the experience with you guys.

While the party was a week or so ago, the new year doesn’t start for another couple days. Not that anybody’s counting. We’re getting closer to making good on the Threat, and Aric’s promotions have helped, but we’re at a plateau for now. Still, I didn’t expect to hit that goal within the first two years, and I think we’re close to proving me wrong.

You guys can see 3 strips a week as a reward for getting more readers to the site. I see it as stepping up my game and giving you all more of what you enjoy.


  1. tez711

    Thank God! I’ve been waiting for the 2000 readers forever! This comic is sooooo good and I can’t wait so long in between my doses!!!

  2. Diana

    awesome! excited for 3 comics a week. 2 is great, but 3 is better

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