Friday comic

Quick note, my art computer is unavailable to me tonight, so I’ll need to finish the comic tomorrow. I have a new desktop being constructed, hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll be back to full capacity. Who knows, maybe with a new tablet you folks are so generously helping me afford. Thanks for all the orders, I’ll get them shipped next week. If you haven’t ordered something, do it now and I’ll make sure it gets in the mail with the rest of the orders.

Update: Monday’s comic will be up later once it’s colored. I’m considering just making Tueday/Friday the norm, we’ll have a chat with Aric maybe.


  1. bremer1281

    Tueday, the lost 8th day of the week.


    I’d be up for a Tuesday/Friday update if it’s easier on you guys.


  3. Jethro Rayne

    I read a number of comics, and it does seem that tues/friday are the common choices. Say that the comic updates on Tues, but always plan to have it up monday? That way if you ‘fall behind’, you’d actually have another day. ;-)

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