Courtesy Post

Tonight my daddy duty got called onto assignment when my wife became ill. I managed to get a lot of comic work done nonetheless, but not quite finished.

I’d post the black-and-white for you guys, but history has shown that if I do that, I might neglect going back and coloring it later. So let’s just wait an extra day.

Support me an Aric alternatively. Listen to Mustache Rangers and read Northwind. Ta!


  1. NoriMori

    Hope your wife is feeling better soon. What is she ill with? :( *sends good vibes*

  2. macksting

    My newborn’s making life interesting for me, too. Half our support network has the plague!

  3. runedeadthA

    Hope everything get’s better guys, Love ya (Non-Homo >.<)

  4. switchblademx

    hope she’s feeling better, and the baby too! no worries, family first

  5. Lineov

    Hey guys, haven’t heard from you in awhile, please give us an update and let us know how things are progressing!

  6. Oye Just Chill

    its very nice post great job and thanks for sharing.

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