Life is hard, so are comics.

Yes, I elected to have kids. Yes, I knew it would impact my hobbies and ambitions. Yes, I was a jackass who was hounding others about update schedules no less than a year ago. Still, this isn’t the vision of the fun bohemian lifestyle I was aiming for. Alas, these dark times will pass someday… maybe when the younger one starts walking, I tell myself.

I have your latest comic in the works, and I aim to have it done by Wednesday, but if I miss that, know I’m trying my best with what time I have.

In the meantime, check out Aric’s podcast network, Noise Picnic. He’s dumping an awful lot of love into that project.


  1. NoriMori

    No worries man. Life is definitely hard, especially with kids! I can’t speak for everyone, but I certainly don’t object to you putting the needs of you and your kids first!

  2. Jethro Rayne

    We’re still with you. :D Life and family is supposed to be first priority anyways. And you’re still updating faster than some comics I read, so don’t fret over it too much.

  3. Saege

    Yeah, it is somewhat frustrating to wait for your updates, but your art is totally making up for it. Take good care of your kid, a child is more important than a webcomic.

  4. macksting

    I know most of my obligations suddenly took back seat to the baby when he was born 7 weeks ago.

  5. Lemmo

    Congratulations, Mack!!

  6. macksting

    Aw! Thanks! How’s yours coming along?
    Oh god we’re parents.

  7. Dana

    We’re just happy with whatever you decide to give us, whenever that might be. I think anyone who would complain about your kids coming first needs to check their priorities. Take care!

  8. Renee

    I figured it was something like this. Don’t let it eat at you too much, though. We understand, even if we grumble. Those who don’t understand can go burry their heads. When you miss updates for the comic, please give us a blurb like this one to let us know how you’re doing. It isn’t just the comic that has us checking in; we like you, too. :)

    How many podcasts is Aric up to, now? He’s a busy bee.

  9. PyroForge

    No worries, life gets busy, I can understand that. Keeping a family functioning is more important than a hobby. And I’m sure your readers will stick with you guys through it.

  10. Shaelyn

    what Renee said – when you miss a comic, would you update us and let us know that you’re not, like, dead?

    ~hugs~ all the best.

  11. Cosmo

    Good luck, Lemmo. But when your child starts walking, that’s a whole new slew of hazards and traps they can get into, and your life is probably even that much more involved with them. But they’re so worth it. Maybe in their teens where they’ll WANT their independence from you. :)

  12. Dasaki

    I actually wouldn’t mind having a child at the moment. Most of my time is spent playing games with friends or making music that hardly ever gets listened too, and at 22 years of age, I’m already feeling like I’m 40.

    I’ll think about settling down with a family someday, for now though I need to find a wonderful lady that will want to raise such a family with me.

    You’re lucky, guy. Take damn good care of that family, and don’t worry about us. :D

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