

  1. NoriMori


    And lol.

    Seriously though, everyone’s right, Misty looks funny. And…did the drawing style change *again*? Lemmo’s hair has gone back to being shortish.

  2. Jack

    Yes, NoriMori, it definitely looks different…

    I miss the way we were used to it looking. But this is nice too. ^-^

    I wonder if we’ll ever find out Misty’s real name…

  3. E_is_for_Eric

    Hahahaha… oh man!
    Wouldn’t it be funny if he really DID forget her name? We can continue calling her Misty and it won’t be a problem!

  4. NoriMori

    Okay, actually, his hair’s been shorter for a while, but after the drawing style first changed his hair became REALLY long, and I think it’s been getting steadily shorter again (although it’s still not as short as it was at the very beginning). So it just hit me now. But it was longer before. See

    Whoa and now I’m looking at the first comics and seeing that Aric and Lemmo are WAY darker than they started out. Have they been getting some sun? XD

    Oh…and Lemmo’s clothes are different colours! When they first woke up from their nap his shirt was just barely green!

  5. NoriMori

    @E_is_for_Eric, Perhaps Aric will recall what her name is.

    And I just thought…since Misty still doesn’t know what Lemmo named her, then if Lemmo and Aric both forgot, wouldn’t that mean she doesn’t have a name anymore? Couldn’t that scenario lead to her becoming unsolid again?

  6. CyberSkull

    I too have totally forgotten her name.

  7. cheetaboy7

    Someone is going to remember name, and its going to be Misty. It it isn’t I think part of me is going to die inside. The left part.

    Ps. Misty looks awesome

  8. Nexall

    @CyberSkull: we never learned her name to begin with. Also I agree with NoriMori, Aric will probably be the one to remember her name.

    Hey everyone how long until Misty realizes Lemmo’s missing arm and stub made of wood?

  9. lemmo

    One of these days you guys will come to terms that I’m just an inconsistent artist. It’s a miracle I remember to give Lemmo a wooden arm (and I’ve even missed on that mark a couple times). Let alone maintain hair length accuracy.

    Last night was an off night. I was literally tempted to do it in chibi stupid face scribbles, but I liked how the last panel came out.

  10. MarshmallowRadiation

    Wait, when did Misty learn their names? and why doesn’t she notice Lemmo’s wooden stump arm?

  11. travis

    wait, when did the style change!? you modern day bob dylan of art, you!

  12. lemmo

    I’m a rebel without a clue!

  13. Dana

    hee! really liking the way Misty (or whatever her name is!) looks. and the last panel has me laughing. Don’t worry, Lemmo. We all still love this comic and I know I would be very sad without it.

    @MashmallowRadiation: Back when Misty (name?) followed Lemmo to the site of the crash-landed penguins. Then Aric appeared, and she learned their names at that time.


    That last panel is absolutely fantastic. I keep wondering if Lemmo’s going to lose his balance and tip backwards at the beginning of the next strip.


  15. wonderboy

    i have moments like those, where i totally forget the name.

  16. Maggie

    I can’t tell if she’s happy or really pissed…

  17. Arkatox

    @Maggie: Probably really pissed. Lol.

  18. Chaos Theory

    @Maggie: She’s happy to see Lemmo and Aric again, and pissed that Lemmo doesn’t remember the name he gave her.

  19. Zapheres


  20. Renee

    @Lemmo: in regards to “Rebel Without a Cause”, I’ve never seen the movie, but I also figured it was something along the lines of, “I’m a rebel, there’s nothing to complain about, so I’m gonna make a bunch of noise about nothing.” One of these days, I might get around to seeing it.

  21. Lipkin

    To answer the question, she learned their names in this comic.

  22. Val Kilmer Batman

    I suppose that Lemmo is “stumped”.

    Oh man that is such a lame pun why am I even posting this.

  23. macksting

    She was so happy to see them!
    Now she wants to kill him.
    What is it like to have factual evidence of a name, but no ability to learn what that name was? In our world, names are arbitrary, and their existence a useful construct without meaning outside language and the brain. In this world, a name causes Unsettlers to settle. It’s a very strange difference.

  24. rocklight

    Misty: “But you’re effectively my father, being the one that named me! How could you forget my name?”
    Lemmo:”But… I think of you as being hot. Fatherness…. not quite great.”
    Aric: “… Why is Lemmo talking like me? OOH BUNNIES!”
    Me: “Oh crap, the personality switcheroo got autofired again. Begone, you energy-based space weasles.”

  25. guy who bets things

    I bet when it gets bright in the robot city when it dark in the blank place.

  26. yoda master2

    guy who bets things
    March 19th, 2011 at 5:59 pm
    I bet when it gets bright in the robot city when it dark in the blank place.


  27. starkiller

    rocklight, is that some kind of pot joke?


    snice when has he wanted to date her?

  28. NoriMori

    1 year ago Morp said:
    Shame it’s all shit and macro shit and hyper shit.

    Calm down, lol.

  29. NoriMori

    HEY WHOS POSTING COMMENTS UNDER MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. ....

    you foget to post a ?

  31. ....

    Lemmo: RT @God_Damn_Batman: My parents are dead. Enjoy your weekend everybody!!


  32. ....

    don’t click on guy who bets things’s name

  33. dagonboy6666

    I wonder why the robots have not noticed the hole in the ceiling/ground of their city

  34. dagonboy6666

    *One of these days you guys will come to terms that I’m just an inconsistent artist. It’s a miracle I remember to give Lemmo a wooden arm (and I’ve even missed on that mark a couple times). Let alone maintain hair length accuracy*

    I don’t make mistakes like that in my strioes, the worst I do is have a charter that has already been killed off blow up a planet that I fogett that I had sent down a black hole with the raduis of .000001 cm.

    @Val Kilmer Batman


    March 19th, 2011 at 12:31 pm
    na she just wants to push him off a cliff so he will become a lemmo.

    @guy who bets things

    nah, I think that there’s just rows and colloums of floating lightbulbs so that as one row is turned off at a time it gives the Illusion of the light source moving.

    @yoda master2

    that is rude


    whats wrong with clicking on his name.

  35. dagonboy6666

    March 19th, 2011 at 12:31 pm
    na she just wants to push him off a cliff so he will become a lemmo beam

  36. Herodrake

    Dude, Lemmo’s hair goes into Misty’s hair…

  37. dagonboy6666

    go lemmo. use hair punch. not vey efftive.

  38. Dana

    @Herodrake I didn’t notice that!

    @dagonboy6666 HAHA! Oh Lemmo and Misty…

  39. dagonboy6666

    If you look
    you’ll see thee light being blown away. this effect is caused by a giant fan place somewhere in the blank. the lights all have sensers n them that can decet prussure changes. fan turns on and the higher air preusre acts as on/off switch. If this is in fact not what is going on then I’ll use this concept in one of my stories.

  40. dagonboy6666

    the walls most allso have lights. I think the essitley this univeres is a giant lightbulb and fan filled box. so it is not the blankvesre but the boxverse. I alos belive the lights are powered by anitmatter.

    And on another note, the move Misty is using is called mean look. now Lemmo can’t leave the battle untill he faints.

  41. little sister

    Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash. Waaaaaa. Misty left ash.

  42. dagonboy6666

    wait a second, I just reilsed something very important. The bugs are at war with the peguins. go team peguin.

  43. dagonboy6666

    GO AND DIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  44. Physicsman

    @Herodrake: Holy crap you’re right!

    But Lemmo’s hair shouldn’t be able to do that. This mean 1 of 3 things.

    1. Lemmo made a mistake when drawing this (the more likely answer)
    2. Misty isn’t completely solid* (the less likely, but still possible answer)
    3. A wizard did it (the answer that I’m going with)

  45. Physicsman

    How in the world did that asterisk get in there?

  46. random man

    Lemmo had to have put gel in his hair to make it look like that in panel 2. It’s sticking straight out!

    @Physicsman, i think you pressed it when you were going for the “(” and then autocorrect put a space in between them, or switched it with the space.

  47. Kjalvalr

    And with that, she poofs back into quasi-existence.

  48. hi

    i think misty is gonna open a can of woopass on Lemmo.

  49. Mell

    @Lemmo – I really enjoy how each panel has it’s own unique flair, it makes it special :) Plus considering the “rules” of the Blank It universe I’m pretty sure both of them could turn into gigantic mushrooms at any time and that would just be normal so I think off kilter isn’t really much of an issue ;) Thanks as always for the comic, keeps me smiling through the week.

  50. Ryan




  51. Ryan


  52. jaz

    @hi or she could kiss him… haha sorry im just sayin’, no one brought it up and I feel like it should be out there! plus, this comic needs a teensy bit of romance to make things even more interesting/awkward (and awkward would still be interesting!) …or she could slap him. that woul be funny too :)


  53. rocklight

    I can imagine Lemmo saying to Misty that she’s pretty, but then completely shutting down any kind of advancement to any romance through a comedic interlude. Aric would be just awkward.
    … Wait a second.

    We’re already thinking of pairings? The comic’s still young, there’s no need to write slashfiction just yet! *goes back to the rockcave, a lair which has a rather appropriate name as it is a cave, made of rock*

  54. dagonboy6666



  55. NoriMori

    What an odd experience. On the 19th I had someone post something random under my name, and then someone who was ostensibly the “real” me said “HEY WHOS POSTING COMMENTS UNDER MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    But…that wasn’t me either.

    What the hell…? Not only is someone pretending to be me, they’re also pretending that the real me is coming along to complain about it. -.- So now there are three NoriMoris on this thread: The fake me, the fake “real” me, and the real me. This is the real me. ‘Kay?

    @lemmo: “One of these days you guys will come to terms that I’m just an inconsistent artist. It’s a miracle I remember to give Lemmo a wooden arm (and I’ve even missed on that mark a couple times). Let alone maintain hair length accuracy.

    Last night was an off night. I was literally tempted to do it in chibi stupid face scribbles, but I liked how the last panel came out.”

    Aww, dude, now I feel like an ass for saying anything. :( I didn’t mean to put you on the defensive or anything. I love Blank It!! And I like the last panel, too. :)

  56. switchblademx

    good lord, all those shooters i play have left me a violent imagination. i see injury or death, possibly mutilation and/or amputation in the near future. awesome hair attack! love the comic, keep it up! in unrelated news.. I HAVE A BABY GIRL!!! WOOT!

  57. macksting

    I’m very happy for you, Mr. Switchblade! My wife’s pregnant with my first child right now. He’s a boy!

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